Minecraft 1.7.10 Mod Spotlight: Simplified Landmines Guide


Explosive Camouflage: The ​Art​ of Concealed ⁣Defense in⁣ Minecraft

Introducing the Stealthy Explosives Mod

Imagine the ability to safeguard ⁢your virtual abode with an invisible shield of⁢ explosives, or the sheer delight in⁢ setting up a playful​ trap for your companions. The Stealthy Explosives Mod ⁤brings this vision to life, offering players a novel way to employ TNT for defense and amusement in the world of Minecraft.

Assortment of landmines disguised as regular blocks

Masterful Disguises

The genius of this mod lies in its ability to craft ⁤landmines that are indistinguishable from ‍ordinary blocks. Beneath the innocuous surface, however,​ lies a ​potent TNT⁢ charge primed to explode in a⁣ fraction of the time taken by its standard counterpart. Camouflage your​ traps with everyday materials like cobblestone:

Landmine disguised as cobblestone

Or perhaps under a⁢ soft layer of wool:

Landmine disguised as wool

Even the sandy shores can⁤ become a strategic spot:

Landmine disguised along the coastline

With a wide array of blocks to choose from, you can create a minefield that’s as deadly⁢ as it is undetectable—as long as you remember ‌where​ you’ve placed them!

Aftermath of a landmine detonation

Download the Mod

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