Advanced Compass Mod for Minecraft 1.20.2 – Simplified Navigation

Enhance Your Minecraft Exploration with the Advanced ​Compass Mod

The⁤ World Tools Mod,‍ in Minecraft, revolutionizes your navigational experience by introducing ‌a dynamic bar at the top of your screen. This ‍isn’t just any ⁢ordinary ‍directional tool; it’s a comprehensive guide that displays⁣ nearby entities, players, and even marks the⁢ spots where you’ve⁣ met your untimely demise, complete ⁣with distance indicators.

Base‌ Compass Display

Customizable Display Settings

Press ‘p’ to tweak the ⁤mod’s​ settings to your heart’s content. Decide when the compass appears with the Show ‍Mode feature. Keep⁤ it on constantly, or have⁢ it pop up⁢ only when you’re equipped with a standard compass. You can⁢ even set it to activate solely when the compass is in your hand.

Show Mode GUI

No Compass​ in Hand

Compass in Hand

Coordinates at a Glance

For those who like to keep tabs​ on their exact location, the mod offers the option to ⁤display your coordinates either above or below the compass‍ bar, ensuring they’re always⁤ in sight.

Show Coordinates Option

Coordinates Above Bar

Coordinates Below Bar

Entity Tracking with Precision

The Advanced Compass goes ​the extra mile by​ not​ just showing icons for nearby entities but also ⁢indicating their distance from you. Up ‍and down arrows provide a quick reference to whether⁢ these entities are towering above or burrowing below your ​current‌ position.

Entity​ Direction Arrows

Filter for What Matters

Looking for something⁤ specific in the vast world of Minecraft? The Advanced Compass allows you to filter the entities displayed on the bar.‌ Simply deselect the ones you’re not interested in, ‍and focus on finding exactly what ⁤you’re after.

Entity Display Options

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