Compact Nether Portals Mod for Minecraft 1.20.2

Compact Nether Gateway Designs

The World Tools Mod, in Minecraft, revolutionizes‍ the way players can construct⁢ Nether portals. This mod introduces ‍three additional sizes beyond‍ the classic 2×3 block structure, allowing for more versatile ‌portal‍ placement and a⁤ sleeker aesthetic.

Various Nether Portal Sizes

Miniature 1×2 Portal

The 1×2 portal stands two blocks tall and‍ one block wide,‌ offering the​ most space-efficient option for adventurers looking to​ minimize their spatial ​impact ⁢in the Overworld.

1x2 Nether Portal

Vertical Stretch with the 1×3

For those⁢ who desire ⁢a bit more⁢ headroom without ‌compromising on‍ width, the 1×3 portal adds an ⁣extra ‍block of ‌height to the ⁢previous design, maintaining ‍its slender profile.

1x3 Nether ⁢Portal

The Squared 2×2

Expanding​ to a 2×2 configuration, this portal design offers a balanced approach, providing ample space for entry ⁢without occupying​ a significant area.

2x2 Nether⁤ Portal

Each of ⁤these new portals operates identically to‌ the traditional Nether portal, with the added benefit of ​spatial adaptability. This mod is particularly ‌synergistic ‌with the Nether Portal Spread mod, also developed by the ‍same ⁣creator.

For functionality, this‌ mod requires an additional API,​ which can ​be found ⁣through the mod’s main ‍page.

Download ⁢the World Tools Mod

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