Craft Convenience Mod (1.8) – Simplify Your Minecraft Experience


Enhanced Crafting Awaits

The World Tools Mod, in Minecraft, revolutionizes the way players interact with crafting recipes, streamlining ⁢the process and introducing efficiencies that save time and resources. For example, the mod enables⁣ the crafting of multiple stained blocks—up to eight at‌ a time—by simply⁣ surrounding ​a dye with the blocks you wish to​ color. This tweak significantly accelerates the collection of dyed materials.


Sticky Situations ​Simplified

Similarly, the mod applies this bulk crafting method to the creation of sticky pistons using blocks of slimeballs, enhancing the efficiency of this essential crafting task.


Stairway to​ Savings

Stair crafting has also been simplified, requiring fewer materials, and glass bottles can now be crafted from ⁣either glass ‌panes or blocks, with panes ⁢yielding three bottles and blocks​ yielding eight.



Tool Transformation

Enhancing your wooden tools is a breeze with this ‌mod. Simply use the corresponding ingots in ⁣the shape of the tool⁤ you wish to upgrade, and voilà, you have a new, improved tool.


Get Crafting!

Ready to enhance your Minecraft crafting experience? Click the ⁤link‍ below to download ⁤the ‍World Tools Mod and start enjoying these crafting ​upgrades today!

Download World Tools Mod

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