Deconstruction Table Mod Guide for Minecraft 1.12.2


Revolutionizing Resource Recovery:⁣ The⁢ Deconstruction Table Mod

Introduction to Resource ​Salvaging

Unlock⁤ the potential of unused or mistakenly crafted items with⁤ the⁢ innovative⁣ Deconstruction Table, a mod that allows‍ players ⁣to efficiently reclaim⁣ materials.


How the Deconstruction Table​ Works

Contrary to the‍ traditional crafting table,‍ the Deconstruction Table is remarkably straightforward to operate. Place an unwanted item in the⁣ left slot and retrieve its ⁤constituent materials from the right. This ingenious device⁢ is compatible with any item that can be crafted, including various foodstuffs.


Maximizing⁣ Material Returns

To ensure the recovery of all materials from multi-output recipes, you must input the exact⁢ quantity⁢ of items produced by the original recipe. Inputting fewer items ‍will⁤ result⁢ in only a fraction of the materials being returned. Additionally, inserting damaged items will yield incomplete ‍material sets, which ‌is a minor‍ limitation when considering the mod’s‌ overall utility, especially for retrieving valuable ⁣resources ‌like diamonds or⁤ ingots⁢ in urgent ⁤situations.


Reclaiming Enchantments

A standout feature ‌of this mod is the⁤ ability to recover enchantments from enchanted tools. Place the enchanted item alongside a book ⁤in the designated slots,‍ and upon material extraction, ⁢the enchantment will be​ transferred⁣ back to the book, ready for future use.


Download the ​Deconstruction Table Mod

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