Duckling Mod (1.20.1) – Enhance Minecraft with Cute Ducks

Introducing the Duckling Mod

The Duckling Mod‍ in Minecraft introduces a charming twist to⁣ your gaming experience by ⁤adding a trio of ducks to your virtual ecosystem. As ⁣you explore river biomes, you’ll be greeted by the quacks of⁣ white ducks⁤ and ⁤mallards, adding a layer of auditory ambiance to your adventure.

Ducks in Minecraft

How to Spawn Your Feathered Friends

These web-footed creatures can be brought into ‌the world‍ using duck spawn eggs,⁤ or by ​a ‍stroke of ⁤luck when ⁢tossing a duck ‌egg. Be mindful when throwing duck ‍eggs, as not all will ⁣hatch a duckling—some may just⁢ shatter upon impact.⁣ When successful, you’ll be rewarded with a duckling that will loyally trail behind you, especially if you’re carrying bread.

Duckling following player

Accelerated Growth and Breeding

Feeding your ducklings bread not only earns their⁤ affection but also speeds up their growth. Watch for the telltale green⁣ particles that signal ‍their swift journey to adulthood. Ducks and mallards can also be ‌bred, creating ‌a heartwarming scene as ducklings paddle after their parents across Minecraft’s waterways.

Duckling growth

Ducks breeding

Duck family

Meet the Quackling

A third, more whimsical duck known as ‍the⁣ Quackling also⁢ graces the game with its presence. Resembling the beloved character Totoro, these oversized, ​yellow ducks ⁤can be ⁢found near swamp biomes ‌or spawned using ​their unique eggs. Some even sport a big dripleaf atop⁢ their heads,⁤ reminiscent of Totoro’s leafy headwear.


Quackling with leaf hat

Quacklings: More ⁢Than ⁣Meets the Eye

Quacklings aren’t just for⁢ show; they double as traders, bartering items like emeralds and raw salmon for goods such as enchanted fishing rods. Their ​trades offer a unique twist to the usual villager interactions.

Quackling trading

A Festive Treat: Holiday Fruit Cake

The mod also introduces a delectable holiday fruit cake, which you can ‌craft or trade for with a ⁢Quackling. ‌While it’s unclear if the Quacklings ⁤can consume this sweet treat, they will flock to you if you hold it out, making it easier to initiate trades. Plus, it’s a⁣ tasty snack for players, replenishing hunger bars with a festive flair.

Holiday fruit cake

Conclusion: A Quacking Addition to Minecraft

The Duckling Mod may be simple, but it fills a void in the Minecraft universe,⁢ bringing a sense of completeness ⁤with the addition of ducks⁣ and ducklings. While they can’t⁣ be tamed, they serve as an alternative source of eggs for your ⁤culinary creations. To‌ enjoy this mod,‍ you’ll need the Geckolib API, which ‍is essential for its functionality.

Download‌ the Duckling​ Mod

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