Enhance Your Inventory with Sophisticated Storage Mod for Minecraft 1.20.1

Revolutionizing Minecraft ⁣Storage

The World Tools​ Mod in Minecraft introduces a groundbreaking approach to storage, transforming barrels, chests, and shulker boxes⁤ into customizable and upgradable units. Players can now tailor⁣ their storage solutions with a spectrum of colors and wood types, and enhance functionality through a variety ⁢of upgrade tiers.

Assorted Minecraft chests with various upgrades

Initial Crafting and Customization

Begin with crafting ‍the basic storage crate, equipped with the usual 27 slots and ‍an additional upgrade slot. The settings‍ menu is a game-changer, allowing for inventory organization and external ⁢item display for easy identification.

Minecraft chest displaying an item on its⁤ exterior

Color Your World

Unleash your creativity by dyeing your storage boxes in any hue or combination. With three levels of color customization, the possibilities ⁢are virtually limitless, enabling you to personalize your storage to match your aesthetic.

Minecraft chests dyed in ‌various colors

Upgrade Your Storage

Expand your storage capacity with three additional tiers of upgrades: iron, gold, and diamond. ‌Sequentially enhance ​your containers⁣ to‌ unlock new‍ levels of storage potential, culminating in ⁣netherite ⁤upgrades that offer ⁣three extra‌ slots for maximum efficiency.

Minecraft chest with upgrade tiers

Different sizes of Minecraft barrels

Integrated Utilities

Enhance your storage with built-in utilities like an automatic smelter or ‌smoker, streamlining ⁤your in-game processes. Add a crafting table to your container for the ultimate convenience in multitasking.

Minecraft chest ⁤with smelting⁤ upgrade

Minecraft chest with smoking upgrade

Stack Upgrades

Maximize ‌your storage with stack‌ upgrades,‍ available in four⁤ tiers. These upgrades exponentially increase‍ the ⁣number of items per slot, with ⁢the highest tier allowing a​ 16-fold increase, making even a standard​ barrel a colossal storage unit.

Minecraft⁢ chest with stack upgrade

Additional Requirements

Note⁢ that the Sophisticated ⁢Storage mod requires the Sophisticated Core API to function properly.

Get the Mod

Ready‍ to enhance⁤ your Minecraft storage experience? Click the link below to download the Sophisticated‍ Storage mod and start⁣ organizing your inventory like a pro.

Download Sophisticated Storage

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