Enhanced Farming Mod for Minecraft 1.20.1 – Simplify Your Agriculture!

Agricultural Augmentation: Enhanced Farming in Minecraft

The World Tools Mod in Minecraft introduces a⁣ verdant‍ expansion to ⁢the ‍game’s agricultural mechanics, infusing the virtual landscape with a plethora of new trees and plants. Adventurers‌ can now stumble ​upon nine unique tree varieties as‌ they traverse the forest biomes, including apple, lemon, orange,‌ cherry, pear, avocado, and mango trees ‍in ⁤temperate forests. Olive trees grace the savannah biomes, while​ banana trees add a tropical touch ‍to jungle biomes.

Assorted fruit trees in Minecraft

Culinary Creations: Juices, Smoothies, and Olive Oil

Harvesting these trees yields fruit that can be transformed into⁢ a variety of delightful dishes and ‍beverages. Crafting juices is as simple as pairing any fruit with a bottle of‌ water. To create a refreshing smoothie, blend a fruit of choice with a milk bottle and a snowball, perfect for those sweltering Minecraft days.

Various Minecraft juices

For a touch ⁢of culinary innovation,‍ players can ⁤produce ⁢olive oil using pistons to‍ press olives, showcasing a clever use of existing‌ game mechanics for new ​purposes.

Olive oil production setup in Minecraft

Gourmet Gastronomy: Pizzas,‍ Pies, ⁤and More

Eleven new crops join the mod’s repertoire, serving as ‌essential components for an array of culinary masterpieces such as pizzas, pies, sandwiches, and soups. From crafting tomato sauce for pizza to creating ‌cheese from⁢ scratch,⁤ the mod elevates the cooking experience in Minecraft.

Variety of Minecraft pizzas

Mint⁢ tea also makes its debut, requiring players to boil water and infuse ​it with mint leaves for a soothing beverage.

Mint tea in Minecraft

Utilizing the cutting ⁤board, players ​can slice bread and craft an assortment of sandwiches, from jam to chicken, and even hamburgers.

Various sandwiches in Minecraft

Tools of the Trade: Rakes and Scarecrows

The mod introduces tiered rakes, specialized tools for⁢ converting grass into dirt and potentially yielding seeds. The higher the quality of the ⁢rake, the⁢ greater the chance of seed drops, with diamond rakes being the most efficient.

Different tiers of rakes in Minecraft

Additionally, players can craft scarecrows to protect their crops by⁣ deterring⁤ animals‌ within a five-block radius.

Scarecrow in Minecraft

Download Enhanced Farming Mod

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