Guard Villagers Mod Update 1.20.1 for Minecraft

Fortify Your Minecraft Village with Guard Villagers Mod

The World Tools Mod, in Minecraft, introduces a novel layer‌ of security to ​your‌ game’s naturally occurring villages. Upon installation, villagers are automatically upgraded to include ‌a new contingent of protectors, regardless of whether you’re venturing ‌into a new world, revisiting past saves,⁤ or exploring uncharted villages. These sentinels, numbering six per village, are easily distinguishable ‌by their unique attire and come armed⁤ with iron swords or crossbows, ready to defend‌ their‌ home.

Minecraft Guard Villagers in action

Building Trust ⁣with the Village Protectors

These vigilant guards operate on a strict watch, safeguarding their ⁣territory as iron golems would. To gain their trust, ​you must navigate village interactions with care,⁢ as these guards can influence your standing with the villagers. Establishing a solid reputation is key, and trading ‌with villagers remains essential. However, to engage with unrecruited guards, you’ll‌ need to earn the ‘Hero of the Village’ ​title first.

Guard Villager equipped with armor

Enhancing Guard Capabilities

Once you’ve achieved ‘Hero of the⁢ Village’ status, you can interact ⁤with guards to upgrade their gear.⁢ A familiar trading interface allows you to⁣ equip them with superior weapons, shields, and⁢ armor, bolstering their ability to protect the village—and you.

Guard Villager with a shield

Self-Sufficient⁣ Defenders

Guard villagers can also be self-sustaining. By placing food or potions in their offhand slot, they can heal themselves when their health dwindles, ensuring their ⁤longevity in the absence of your immediate aid.

Food for Guard Villagers

Potion⁢ for Guard Villagers

Recruiting Your Personal Guard

Creating a guard villager is as simple as crouching and right-clicking ⁢an unemployed villager with a sword or crossbow. This⁣ instant transformation allows you to access ​their ⁤inventory without ⁤the need for a ‘Hero of the Village’ achievement or positive village reputation.

Recruiting a new ⁤Guard Villager

Strategic Patrol Assignments

Guard⁣ villagers can be set to patrol specific areas, with melee guards actively ‍seeking out threats and ranged guards taking a sniper’s stance to⁢ protect the village from afar. This strategic element allows you to customize your village’s defense plan⁤ to⁣ your liking.

Melee Guard ⁣Villager on patrol

Ranged Guard Villager on duty

Empowering Village Defense

The Guard Villagers⁢ mod significantly‍ enhances village defenses, complementing the existing iron golems.⁢ With the freedom to recruit and arm guards ​as needed, you can focus on further developing the ⁢villages you encounter, ensuring their⁣ safety and prosperity.

Download Guard Villagers Mod

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