Minecraft 1.20.1 Mod Update: New Domestication Features

Expand Your Minecraft Menagerie

The World Tools Mod in⁤ Minecraft introduces a new dimension of interaction with the​ game’s fauna. This mod broadens​ the ‍scope of ‌animal companionship, allowing players to ‌befriend ⁣a diverse array of creatures beyond the traditional wolves and cats. Imagine strolling ⁤through your Minecraft‌ world with ⁣a loyal axolotl⁤ by your side,‌ or a fleet-footed fox leaping alongside you. To achieve ​this, you’ll need to⁢ entice‌ axolotls with tropical fish,​ coax rabbits⁣ with hay, ‌and for foxes, ​you’ll need​ to patiently wait for a⁤ kit born from two wild foxes to mature ⁢before ⁣it can bond with you.

Fox companion in Minecraft

Adventure and ⁤Defense: A Dual-Edged Sword

These⁣ newly-tamed animals‌ aren’t just for show; they’ll valiantly battle alongside you against their natural enemies. However, be mindful that creatures like ⁤rabbits may attract predators, including your own canine and vulpine companions. Despite their vulnerability, rabbits possess the unique ability to deter ravagers, adding a strategic⁢ layer to your ⁣home defenses. All tamed animals in this⁢ mod can ⁢be directed with a ​simple right-click, toggling between ⁣wandering, staying, and following, ensuring they’re always​ within ​reach.

Minecraft animal commands

Care for ‌Your Aquatic Allies

While axolotls ​make for endearing companions, they require special attention. These amphibious allies move⁢ slower‍ on land and risk dehydration if away from ⁢water for too long.​ To ​prevent this, ensure they have easy access to aquatic environments⁢ during your‌ expeditions.

Minecraft axolotl companion

Friend-Friendly Fireproofing

The mod also introduces a safeguard ​against accidental⁢ harm to your tamed animals. Once an animal is tamed, they gain immunity to your⁤ attacks, unless you’re sneaking. ⁢This feature is ‍particularly useful during heated battles where you might inadvertently⁣ swing at ​your furry or feathered friends.

Minecraft friendly fire protection

Respawn Assurance with Pet Beds

Another innovative addition is the pet ⁤bed, which serves as a respawn point for your⁤ companions. In the unfortunate event of their demise, they’ll reappear the ‍next day ​in their designated bed. These beds come in various colors, allowing for personalization for​ each of your tamed⁣ animals.

Minecraft pet bed

Feather on a Stick:⁣ The Ultimate Pet Guide

Guiding your⁢ pets has never been easier with⁣ the feather on a stick. This tool attracts your tamed animals, making it simple to lead them⁢ to⁢ safety or to their​ beds. When you see “Zzz” above them, you’ll know their spawn point is set, ensuring‌ they’ll always return to their cozy⁤ spot after a long⁢ day of adventure—or ‌in case they get lost.

Minecraft pet guiding

Minecraft⁤ feather on⁢ a stick

Villagers ​Turned Animal Tamers

With‌ this mod, ​villagers can also embrace ⁣the role of animal tamers. By placing a pet bed near an unemployed villager, they’ll adopt this ⁣new profession, offering trades for items⁣ related to your tamed creatures and enchantments‌ to‍ bolster their abilities.

Minecraft villager animal ⁤tamer

Note that the Domestication Innovation ⁣mod requires the Citadel ⁤API,‌ which is a prerequisite ⁤for its⁢ functionality.

Download Domestication Innovation Mod

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