Minecraft Finder Mod (1.7.2): Simplify Your Search | Essential MOD Guide


Enhance Your Minecraft Experience with the Block Locator ‍Mod

Discover Blocks with Ease

Embark on a seamless ‌quest for specific blocks in Minecraft with the innovative Block Locator Mod. This tool eliminates the‌ tedium of ⁢searching by allowing players to effortlessly identify any block by its name or identification number. Once​ a block is located, it is conveniently highlighted on your display, streamlining your building and​ exploration endeavors.

Highlighted Blocks​ in Minecraft

User-Friendly Interface

The Block Locator Mod boasts an intuitive interface that is a breeze to navigate. By simply pressing the ‘B’ key, a search menu appears,‍ where you can input the desired block’s name, adjust the search radius, and confirm your selection. This mod is a ​godsend for those ‍seeking specific materials or rare blocks without the frustration of aimless searching.

Mod Interface

Waypoint​ Integration

Another impressive aspect of ‌this mod is its waypoint feature. By typing ⁣’N’, you can set waypoints and use the locator to pinpoint them within a certain range. This is⁣ particularly useful for marking territories you plan to revisit, whether to gather more resources or to ​continue an adventure from where you left off.

Waypoint Feature

Download the Block Locator Mod

Ready to enhance your Minecraft experience? Click the link below to download ⁣the Block Locator Mod ⁣and start discovering blocks and waypoints with unparalleled ease!

Download Block Locator⁤ Mod

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