Pam’s HarvestCraft 2 Trees Mod Update 1.20.1 for Minecraft

Enhance Your Minecraft Orchard with Pam’s HarvestCraft 2⁤ – Trees

The World Tools Mod, in⁢ Minecraft, ⁤introduces a revolutionary⁣ way to diversify your ‍in-game orchards. This mod significantly expands the variety of tree saplings ⁤available, adding a‍ whopping 49 new types to cultivate.‌ These trees are categorized into three climate zones: temperate, warm, and cold, ensuring that players ⁢can enjoy a rich harvest regardless of their​ biome preference.

Diverse⁤ tree saplings ‍in ‌Minecraft

Fruitful Endeavors

With this mod, your‌ fruit variety skyrockets, allowing for the growth of apples, oranges, cherries, peaches, and even bananas, among others. These can be consumed directly or used in conjunction with Pam’s other ⁢mods to create‌ an extensive menu of dishes, enriching your Minecraft culinary experience.

A tree in a ‌jungle biome

A tree on an island

A lemon‍ tree

Nutty Nourishment

Not just fruits, the mod also introduces a ⁣variety of nut trees, including cashews, almonds, and walnuts. These can be consumed raw or roasted for ‌a quintuple boost in hunger restoration, adding a new⁣ dimension⁢ to ⁣your food resources.

Roasting nuts in Minecraft

Sapling Synthesis

Discover these trees in their‌ natural habitats to harvest saplings or cultivate⁤ your own by combining⁢ eight pieces of fruit ​or nuts with any existing sapling. This simple yet ingenious ​method allows for the ‌easy propagation of your favorite trees.

Various saplings

String ​Theory in Trees

For those‌ seeking an ‌alternative to traditional spiderweb gathering, the‌ mod offers a unique ‌spiderweb‍ tree. This tree ⁢produces spiderweb‌ fruit, providing a consistent source of string for all your ​crafting needs.

Spiderweb fruit tree

Log‌ Fruits ‌and Lumber

Additionally, the mod features ⁤log fruits like⁤ cinnamon and maple, which can be sheared and used in various ⁤ways. These trees also⁤ provide new wood blocks, perfect for creative building‍ and decoration.

Log fruits

Composting and Expansion

All new ⁢fruits and‍ saplings can be utilized in the composter, making⁢ this mod an excellent choice for players looking to broaden their Minecraft world’s agricultural horizons.

Download Pam’s HarvestCraft 2 – Trees

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