Scuba Gear Mod for Minecraft 1.20.1: Enhance Underwater Exploration!

Plunge into‍ the Depths with Scuba Gear Mod

The Scuba Gear Mod ⁢in‍ Minecraft introduces a ⁤comprehensive set of diving gear, enhancing your ⁣underwater exploration and ⁤efficiency. This quartet of gear pieces is exclusively​ obtainable⁤ by ⁣defeating Drowned mobs near‍ Ocean⁢ Ruins.

Drowned mob ​with scuba gear

Restoration‍ and Resilience

Once claimed from ⁢the​ Drowned, these treasures may ⁢show signs of wear but⁣ fear not—they can⁤ be restored to​ their former glory using iron and an anvil.⁤ Once repaired, don⁣ the armor and navigate ​the aquatic‌ realms with enhanced protection, equivalent to that of ⁢iron armor. Keep in ⁣mind,⁤ the armor degrades every four seconds⁣ during use.

Full set of scuba gear

Unique Abilities of Each Piece

The helmet is your key to breathing beneath the waves. While it’s intact, you’ll be impervious to drowning, though‍ your air bubbles ⁢will still deplete. The chestplate is a miner’s ally, allowing you to excavate at‍ standard speeds underwater, a stark contrast to the sluggish pace without it.

Enhanced mining speed underwater

Leggings offer a boost to your swimming velocity, propelling you through the water with⁤ ease. However, they won’t affect your walking ​speed—that’s where⁣ the ⁣boots come in. These special boots ⁤enhance ⁢your stride on the ocean floor without impacting your swim speed. Above water, the gear may slow you ‌down, ‍but underwater, you’ll be a swift sea creature.

Increased swim speed with leggings

Enhanced walking speed underwater with boots

Full Set Advantages

Adorning the full set‍ of Scuba ‌Gear bestows upon you the power of fire resistance. This formidable feature does accelerate ⁤the⁣ suit’s wear and tear,⁤ occurring every two ⁣seconds, but it’s a small price ⁤to pay for such a valuable asset in unexpected encounters with ​lava or​ fire.

Download Scuba Gear Mod

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