Uncrafting Table Mod for Minecraft 1.11.2 – Simplify Item Reversal


Master the ‍Art of Resource Reclamation with the ‌Uncrafting‍ Table​ Mod

The World Tools Mod, in Minecraft, introduces a revolutionary way to⁢ optimize‌ your resources. Ever‍ found yourself‍ with an excess of ⁢crafted ⁤items cluttering your inventory? ‍The Uncrafting Table Mod is your solution, allowing you to deconstruct these items and recover the ⁢materials used ⁣in their creation.

Uncrafting Table Recipe

Recover Your Resources

Whether ​it’s wooden planks, ladders, or ​glowstone, this mod empowers‍ you to dismantle nearly any ⁢craftable item. Reclaim the‌ components and put them to better use or store‌ them for future projects.

Uncrafting Examples

Tools and Weapons: Handle⁣ with Care

For tools and weapons, ⁢the condition matters. A pristine tool will yield a full⁢ return of materials. However, if your gear has seen some‌ action, expect to receive a reduced amount, with nuggets substituting for precious materials like gold, iron, or diamonds.

Full ‍Material ⁢Recovery

Partial Material Recovery

Enchantment Salvaging

Enchantments need not be lost. By placing a book in the designated slot, you can transfer enchantments from your items, preserving ⁤the magic for ‍future use. This feature is perfect for those moments when ‍you’ve crafted something by mistake or simply need to ⁢reallocate your resources.

Availability Update

Note: The Uncrafting Table Mod is currently not available for download.

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